Posts Tagged ‘entertainment’

I’m With The Band

This weekend I got to revisit my carefree, unstructured, and totally self-indulged youth. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the pleasure to participate in the “getting ready” phenomenon. I’m fascinated at the habits and rituals of my gender and found myself paying close attention to my behavior as I re-emerged into the bar scene.

First, I have to give accolades to R, who is my arch rival and almost-famous rock star friend. If it wasn’t for his weekend warrior performances with two local bands, I wouldn’t have had an escape clause. Thanks, R!

Friday night was my first night as a bar band groupie…ahem, wannabe bar band groupie. I spent the day painting my nails, showering (and shaving!), allowing my hair to dry naturally (gasp!), and planning my outfit. Of course, being a girl, I discovered nothing in my wardrobe would do. An hour before the band was to begin its first set, I headed to Target. Oh, how I simply LOVE Target!! It has the trendiest clothes, sparkly shoes, and sweetest accessories (handbags included!). I found a beautiful green sweater with a peek-a-boo cutout in the back and the perfect earrings and necklace. And the women of the world say, “Amen!”

I pulled out the old hair straightener, black eyeliner, and deep purple eyeshadow: my groupie best. I took my time and savored the experience, not knowing when, if ever, I would get the chance again. I found that I’ve missed “getting ready.” There was an anticipation and excitement that went along with it. I even got a little nervous on my way to the bar.

Once there, I met up with R’s wife and sister. We had the best time drinking and dancing and being “with the band.” I felt important, envied, and even a little a lot sassy (this isn’t a typo). I swung my hair, did some head-banging, and threw out a few catcalls to R. 

 I suppose I wasn’t a traditional bar band groupie since there was no one-night-stand or obnoxious drunkenness, but I felt free, revived, and kinda bad-ass. Best of all, I got to do it all over again on Saturday night!

Although I don’t plan on making these nights a lifestyle, it was nice to re-visit the old me with a grown-up perspective. Next time I’m asked, “Are you with the band?” I’ll put my chin up, smile my best smile, and say, “Oh yeah.”

I’m On A Roll!

On this Sunday morning, I sit and reflect the week that’s now behind me. Overall, it was one that brought joy, laughter, surprises, and at times, pure frustration. Basically, it was a normal week for me.

I interviewed for an Honors Scholarship on Tuesday, and was disappointed with my performance. The Committee asked ten very generic questions, such as, “How does Delta College fit in to your career goals?” or the one I love, “Who were your inspirations?” Like I said, very generic. Normally, people have practiced their responses to these questions, but I went the other way. I felt that planned answers would give me a robotic impression, and I am anything but. Actually, I’m very spontaneous and witty, and I wanted to stay true to myself. So, with little preparation, I entered the interview room, faced the committee like a firing squad, and let my Tina-ness flow. In hindsight, I thought maybe I came off as a complete ditz, which I am anything but. In the end, I had to own my choice, for better or worse.

To my amazement, it turned out for the better! Actually, I was awarded $500 more than their maximum award. So maybe I was refreshing? Who knows, but they obviously believe in me and my career path, or they wouldn’t have wasted money investing in my promise. Right?

I also had a really great week with my sweeties. Ryan had three out of seven good days, which is better than expected. Summer vacation is so difficult for him, as it breaks up his routine and causes inner chaos. He has been struggling with my new routine, but we are in it together! He has found that reading is helping, and that pleases me to no end. Books are saviors for many, and our family is no exception. Ryan turns nine in July, and he asked for a shopping day at Barnes & Noble. He is so amazing!

Mary, ahem, Elisabeth, is still struggling with her name crisis, but has found a distraction in our new pool. She climbs up the ladder, and when at the top, screams, “Cannon bulb!” and jumps with all her might. It is funny to watch. She’s also developed a few other moves: The twirl and the seahorse. It’s wonderful to watch her free-spirit play and laugh. She is such a light in my life.

On Thursday evening, I had the pleasure of attending a poetry reading. There were two readers, including one of my former instructors, Jeff Vande Zande. Jeff is the author of poetry, novels, short stories, you name it. The man who introduced him to the crowd called him a triple threat. I’ve read his novel, Into the Desperate Country, and found it a decent read. It is his poetry, however, that really touches me. He writes about the human condition-from a somewhat existential voice, and I found myself really thinking after each of his poems. He also has a very beautiful delivery while reading. We used to joke in class about how much he read aloud. One student even said she dreamed of him talking all night. Anyway, Jeff maintains a website,, which also includes links to buy his books.

I finished the week by enjoying a BBQ at our friend’s home. The kids have a great time together, and they have a beautiful estate to explore. I met a few new faces, which soon developed into budding friendships. It seems like I make new friends wherever I go, and that is fine with me. I love meeting and talking with people, hearing their stories and sharing mine. It’s the beauty of life. I don’t find getting acquainted with others who may have different political, religious, or social views threatening. Actually, I find these chances for open dialogue rather intriguing, and definitely enlightening. It makes me a better person.

Tomorrow, I will begin a new class, and hopefully make a few new friends. I’m focused on my educational and career goals, excited at what is around the corner. 🙂


Talking To My Ex

Once upon a time, I was in love with a boy who was in love with me. We were the best of friends, and the best of lovers. We had trust, respect, friendship, fire, and unquenchable passion. He called me on my crap, and I returned the favor. We were together for a while, then he broke my heart, destroyed me.

We talked now and then, he always knew where to find me. We even hooked up for a bit, but we both found ourselves waiting on the other. Silly kids. We were at different places in life, not ready to define ourselves or our relationship. We eventually lost touch.

Tonight, ten years later, we are chatting via Myspace IM, watching and commenting on “The 2 Coreys.”  We are both with other people, but still find “something” in each other. We are friends again, and that’s something. We’ve made a pact that when our “others” are gone, we will meet up again.

Funny thing is, my parents just bought a house down the road from him. Isn’t it ironic?


Queen Elisabeth: The Sequel

My battle with Mary’s new identity rages on. She is determined to become “Elisabeth.” I talked with her about this while tucking her in last night. She began to cry, saying she didn’t want to hurt my feelings, she just hates her given name. She’s only six!

Anyway, I sat there as she sobbed, doing the cry-hiccup thing, explaining to me that she has hated her name since she was four. Really? She said she didn’t know that she hated it when she was three, but definitely knew she liked Elisabeth better by the time she was four. Huh.

I told her I would try to get on board, but it would be hard. She said she would be patient with me and remind me when I forget to use her new name. She was a little concerned that she will no longer have a middle name, but decided that Mary would be best as her new middle name. I think she’s offering up this concession to placate me. Kids!

All of this name business reminded me of a name related experience I had when I was, hmmm, lets see, six! Read on for the drama 🙂

 Mrs. Thomas-Jones, my first grade teacher, couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that my first name was just plain Tina. She would ask everyday while taking roll, “Are you sure you’re name isn’t Christina?” At first, this was just a routine interrogation. By mid-year, it became a full out attack. I decided I’d had enough. One day, I looked her square in the eye, as if to say, “You’re right, I’ve been living in denial far too long!”  I took a deep breath, moistened my six-year-old lips and falsely confessed that my full name really was indeed Christina. Finally, I thought, the monkey is off my back! Well, that was, until my mom found out. I was forced to own up to my lie, which left me stuck with plain Tina.

 Thus began the hatred and resentment of my fist name, as well as the nicknames that came with it. I’ve been called Teeny Weeny by my grandfather, Tina Bologna by my father, The Teener by my mother-in-law, and Tina Beena by many others. I dreamed of being called Jennifer, Stephanie, Rebecca and other popular names from the early seventies.

 Why Tina? My mom answered this question when I was pregnant with my first child. As expectant mothers do, I purchased a monstrous baby name book, knowing that my firstborn’s name was hidden inside, waiting to be discovered. Mom informed me it was my father who gave me my name. This surprised me, as I assumed it was the sole job of mothers to bestow their daughter’s moniker. The explanation that followed began to change the way I saw that four letter word.

 When my dad was a little boy, he had a dream. In this dream, he was a grown man. He was married to a beautiful lady with blonde hair. She was round with his child, knowing it would be a baby girl. In his dream, his daughter’s name was Tina. So, when all of that came to pass, dad felt it was destiny to see the reality of the dream to fruition. I became known as Tina Lyn (after my mother).

My parents were proud of my name, and often felt hurt when I would complain about their contribution to my identity. I didn’t realize the importance this had for them. I was selfish, never happy with what I was given, until the day I found a name worse than mine. From now on, when I find myself wishing I had a more elegant and sophisticated name, I pause and reflect. At least my name isn’t Manmeet!





The Name Game

This morning, while cuddling in bed with my sweeties, I was informed that neither of them like their names and would like to be addressed by their new monikers in the future. What, did they get together for a “Sunrise Summit” meeting and pass this legislation?

Now, I am to address Mary as Elisabeth, which is her middle name. She thinks it sounds prettier and more grown up. Really? And let me tell you, she’s holding me to it! After playing outside for a few minutes, I poked my head outside to check on her. Not seeing her, I called, “Mary!” No response. I called her about five times before she pulled up to the front door on her Disney Princess bike. I asked her why she didn’t answer me when I called for her. She looked at me and replied, “You didn’t use my proper name. I will only come if you don’t forget to use my new name, Elisabeth.” What!?!

She is now grounded to her room for the remainder of the day. She really needs to remember who’s boss!

As for Ryan, he jumped on the name change bandwagon as well. I am to call him R.D. from this day forward. The initials are a combination of his first and middle names. This is something I’ve been known to use on occasion, so its not a big deal. He will wake up tomorrow and be Ryan again. In this instance, his autism comes in handy. He would never accept being called anything other than his “real” name for long, as it goes against “the facts.” Thank God!

Hubby and I will now be known as “Dirty Rob,” and “Her Royal Highness,” respectively. Why should the kids get to have all the fun? 🙂

What the?!

Alright, I am going to do something I don’t normally do- comment on American Idol. I am a self-proclaimed pop culture diva, but I’ve never let my fluffy addiction cross over into my literary life (if you can call a blog “literary”). That all ends today people!

What the fuck has happened to Paula Abdul?!

There I was, sitting on the couch with Hubby and Mary, enjoying this week’s episode of American Idol. Hubby and I are huge Neil Diamond fans and couldn’t wait to see what the contestants were going to do with their assignment. I figured that a few would do very well, and some would fall very, very short. It was no surprise that after round 1, the leaders were David Cook, David A, and Jason Castro. Actually, if you must know, I loved Jason’s performance and declared him the winner for “best first song.”

Then, the most bizarre thing came to pass. Paula had her worst TV moment to date. Now, for the record, I have always been a huge Paula fan. In fact, I’d say she has been one of the best female artists of the late 80’s and early 90’s. From her dancing and choreography in Janet Jackson’s early videos to her own musical career, I couldn’t get enough of her. But I found myself watching last night with pity and confusion. This wasn’t MY Paula. I remembered reading somewhere that because of her years as a dancer, she’s suffered from severe back pain and is on many prescribed pain killers. So, my next question, is what got her last night- Vicodin, Percoset, Demerol, Morphine? All of them? A little alcohol cocktail?

It was very uncomfortable and icky to watch from home. I saw Ryan Seacrest look to stage right as if to say, “What the hell! And poor Randy and Simon, stuck on camera with a crazy person. The contestants also seemed to be confused and were looking at each other and commenting on Paula’s bizarre behavior.

With the new release of her comeback CD, Ms. Abdul did not need to leave viewers with last night’s image. I am hoping for a replacement judge next year. I’ve been patient and understanding, but enough already!

Oh, in case you’re wondering, I predict David Cook the winner of the season…any surprise there? However, you will find me at the Target checkout lane purchasing Brooke White and Jason Castro’s CDs.